Glacial Peaks
Glacial Peaks
As the snow compacts, compresses and further freezes over, more sheets of glacier ice is added to what is the ever decaying Fox Glacier, NZ.
Pictured; The sistering mountain peaks to Mount Cook, atop Fox Glacier captured en-route to land at the highest most part of the glacier, where temperatures range from 5-10°C less than that of the township at the base of this magnificent mountain.
Available in multiple sizes, this print is made to order, printed on high quality Semi-Gloss Photographic paper, using Glicee printing techniques to preserve every bit of detail. Perfect up close and at a distance.
Photo is printed featuring a bordered design, perfect for framing without need of a mat.
Features monogram detail of photographer Joseph Frese of Frese Frame Photo.
If desired, please contact upon purchase if you wish your print to exclude the bordered design if you prefer a full page print.